Thursday, January 07, 2010

Bad Bloggers.... Catching up

Our New Year's resolution is to blog more often and take more pictures to share with the family (ha ha ha). Here are some pictures, in no particular order, of the 2009 events in the Hoefen Family (Orlando Chapter)

Ashlyn's self portrait. She has learned how to use the camera and take pictures of everyone including herself.

Alex's (our nephew) 19th Birthday

2009 Christmas Tree

Kayla's 6th Birthday. We had a great time miniature golfing.

Before her 6th Birthday, Kayla learned how to ride her new bike with no training wheels. It took her and Daddy 3 days to master.

Maybe not the Seminole's best year, but for Aaron and I, this was the most exciting and eventfull season. Altogether, we attended all but two home games plus one in Gainsville. We got a parking pass that allowed us to tailgate. Dad, Ryan and Bret joined Aaron on one of the games and we are on our way at becoming pre-game proffesionals. GO NOLES!!!

We made a last minute trip to Rochester to celebrate Grandma Auble's Birthday. We had a chance to meet new family and catch up with everybody. The girls had a great time with their cousins.

OH, there is nothing better than our Sunday routines. Getting up, cooking breakfast with the girls and family day.

In 2009 Aaron and I celebrated our 7th Wedding Anniversary. Our family surprised us with a cookie cake and lunch.

Our little girls!!!

Ashlyn's 2nd Birthday. Picture with Mamita Esperanza and Papi Diomo. Her most devoted fans. The cake was a creation of Tia Silvia.

My Honey's 33rd Birthday. Like a great scotch, my husband keeps on getting better with time.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hello Aaron, Elisa, Kayla and Ashlyn! These are fabulous photos. The girls are growing up so fast. Love to see what's new in sunny FL. Hope to see you all soon.

Lots of hugs from Rochester,