Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Ashlyn's Starring Role.....

I know... Two posts in the same month... It just didn't seem right to post a video of Kayla and not one of Ashlyn. Here is a great flick of Ashlyn's unique style of crawling. She is getting faster and faster, but she never gets away from the "Ashlyn Scoot!!!"

Rate this video by leaving a comment on this post. If there is an overwhelming response, we may be forced to keep up with the posts and give you more photos and videos!!!!


Ryan said...

I love it! 5 stars! Post more!

NYCowgirl said...

Keep 'em coming! So, so cute!

Anonymous said...

I rate it "The Best!!!" Definitely keep them coming; we love seeing you all in video format (wish it were in person though).