OK... Again we will be doing a massive post all in one day. As always, sorry for the infrequent postings. We have been extremely busy over the past few months. To add to it, we have also misplaced the charger for our camera. Therefore, we also have had very limited pictures over the past few months. Here is a look at this past weekend....
Our first stop was Picture Day at Kayla's Ballet School. Here she is with her friend Christina. Their annual recital will be the first weekend in June. We will be sure to post video clips after the event. Make sure you check back....

Ashlyn really gets into "Everything Kayla." If her big sister likes it, Ashlyn loves it. She is well liked at Kayla's school. Everybody "Coos" over her.
We spent a day in Celebration, FL for the annual Speed Show and Pie Festival. Yes, that covers a very diverse span. If you can believe it, Kayla entered a Pie Eating Competition. She did great!!! Even more importantly, the pictures are great!!!

There were over 300 cars being shown in the downtown area. The show focuses on Performance Cars. The majority of the cars are
Pantera, etc... There were also a few celebrity cars. Here is a
picture of the
Delorean from Back to the Future. The cars from the original Night Rider and Gone in 60 Seconds (Deloris) were also there.
We ended the day in Winter Park. Brian spent the day at a Catholic Retreat and we joined up with the family for Mass after the completion. As I'm sure you can tell, it was another beautiful day in Central Florida.