Friday, November 10, 2006

Happy Birthday Kayla!!!!!!!!

Happy Birthday Kayla!!!!! On Sunday, we met up with Kayla's best friend Faith and her family. They had almost a full day together. We met for an early lunch so they could play. We then went to "Build-a-Bear." They each made their own Teddy Bear. It's funny that they picked out the same one (but dressed them different). Of course, Kayla's had to have a pink dress!!! When it was time to name her new bear, she chose Sarah (thanks to Grandpa)!!! We ended the day at an indoor play ground. It is funny to watch them play. They will be on different sides of the area, then they will look up at the same time and run back to each other. They had a great time.

Have we lost our audience????

It has only been three months since our last post!!!!! That means that I am ahead of the game by posting this quarterly update!!!!!!! Just kidding. Sorry for the lapse. We will try to do better. Like Ryan, our computer has died. Unlike Ryan, we do not have a new one. Yes, that makes regular posting difficult!!!!!!!

Well, here is how we recapture your attention. Look, a bird!!!!!! No wait.... Not like that. Here is Kayla on Halloween. Yes, she is the prettiest Butterfly Princess you have ever seen!!! Seen here with Happy Pumpkin, Scary Pumpkin, Scared Pumpkin, and "What the?!?!" Pumpkin. Kayla filled her bucket with candy for Daddy!!! Thanks Baby!!!!